Sunday, December 30, 2018
Case Study Essay
If I could describe McDonalds problem strategy in one word, I would definitely say smart. And I mean that in the best-rounded way. I actu anyy strongly agree with McDonalds CEO, Steve Easterbrook, when he says, If you get the lot ripe, the rest go out follow. I believe that it is entirely a domino effect in the way an organization works adroit employees make for better production. McDonalds has proven itself as a good employer because of its louver people principles that focus on keeping the employee talented and comfortable first and foremost. I designate that they are successful because of the way they study their employees. Because McDonalds strives for excellent service and quality, they work saturated at finding the correct employees and retaining them, and so creating an experienced and capable taskforce.2. McDonalds has aligned its business, compassionate resource, and staffing strategies by connecting all three of these handle to one main source the employees. By raising its hiring standards, McDonalds has hired, trained, and retained employees that are glowing about giving their all to the customer. 3. approximately possible talent-related threats that could eat away at McDonalds war-ridden advantage would be when their teenage employees are ready to perish on to other companies where they can inning a career. Higher turnover would definitely be a problem for all companies, not just McDonalds. I bustt believe a stiff labor market in which it is grueling to find talented people would be a problem for McDonalds because you dont have to be highly educate or have any educational qualifications to work at the company. To maintain its competitive advantage over the next five years, I recommend that McDonalds simply expand doing what they are doing. They look for all the right qualities and potential in their employees, so I believe they will always be successful on the people take time off.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Review on John Donne’s ‘Holy Sonnet 14’\r'
'Poem: consecrated sonnet XIV Name of author: flush toilet Donne Imprisoned In the poem blessed Sonnet XIV, can buoy Donne writes close to the antithetic imprisonments of purport. In his poem he is by intelligence activity that he has fall for the temptations of paragons enemy, the fanatic, and he is request paragon to break the hold the devil has on him. bathroom portrays that he is pin down and bound by the evils of the devil, and he wishes to be â€Å" disarticulatedâ€Â(11) from the devil to be erstwhile once more captive by the cut of theology, either stylus he retires he â€Å"never shall be freeâ€Â(13).The stain John is making in this poem is that he loves beau ideal and no longstanding wishes to live with the sins and imprisonment of the devil, nevertheless quite a be â€Å"enthralledâ€Â(13) by idol. John first speaks of theology as a â€Å"three-personed Godâ€Â(1), meaning God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the poem John is at a fallen state, where he has fallen so hard it would be approximately impossible for him to alone break the alignment that he has with the devil, to be righteous and deal God. John is asking God to answer him in breaking the bond, asking to â€Å" whipâ€Â(1) his heart for God, breaking the unholy bond, the meshwork that he has with the devil.John wishes to be the God-loving person he knows he is. John needs God’s powerful ways to discharge him a new person, today virtually call it a â€Å"born-again worshiperâ€Â, and John so disadvantageously wants God to â€Å" direct me newâ€Â(4). John feels as if he has been taken over by the devil. John is pleading his case in this poem, to God as to why God should help him, defend him, save him, and make him new. This poem is like Johns prayer, pleading to God his reasoning in why God should help him, since God is his â€Å"viceroyâ€Â(7) that he should want to defend him.John is trapped as if he is held captive, and is weak and untrue to God, but at the same conviction simmer down departingly and joyfully loves God. John uses the word â€Å"betrothedâ€Â(10) to emphasize that he has been tied, or engaged to the devil in his actions and wished to be â€Å"divorcedâ€Â(11). John is saying he is bound by the devil and doesn’t want to be imprisoned by the devil, but instead be imprisoned by God. It’s like no matter what channel John is on, whether it is the path of the devil, or the path of God, he will be imprisoned either way and never be free.John grew up as a believer in God and he eventually grew to be cognise as â€Å"The Great Priest†by many people. A great non-Christian priest doesn’t have to stray to furthest from God to feel as John mat in this poem because no one sin is greater than the other. This was non the first time John had felt he had strayed forth from God â€Å"divorce me, untie, or break that knot againà ¢â‚¬Â(11). The Holy Sonnet XIV is about a man who felt as if he strayed away from God and how badly he wants God to help him admit guts on the right track, sustentation for Him.John was catholic at a time when anti-catholic sentiment was common. He began to question his confidence when his brother Henry died. John then soon struggled near poverty to accept his family for almost 10 years. With him being in hard times and straying away from his religion, to then come to pick back up into his religion is an example of his life and what he wanted people to know by reading this poem. After he got back to his normal life, in religion, he then became the priest that we know him to be today.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Ai WeiWei Essay\r'
'Ai WeiWei blurred the lines in the midst of the aesthetic and the political. According to the internet, aesthetic is be as concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Ai WeiWei used finesseistic creation to â€Å"protest†against the Chinese government activity. Ai Weiwei was a creative adult male who thought of ideas how to fit the names of all the children who were killed in a sulfurous earthquake. A commentator in the movie claimed that Ai WeiWei was doing a traffic that the government should be doing. A deadly earthquake collapsed many buildings including homes and schools.\r\nThousands of children were killed and were left unrecognized. Ai WeiWei wasn’t freeing to let this go. He assembled a project, full of volunteers to service of process him calculate for the names of the children who were killed in the disaster. He dictated every individual name on his wall. The project inspired him to create more than pieces of art work to uprising agai nst the Chinese government. Ai WeiWei was a fearless man. Ai WeiWei was very involved with social media. He used twitter to sh ar to the humankind how violate China’s government was. He left China when he said â€Å"Fuck You Mother Land.\r\n†Cameras are sometimes forbidden in China. Ai WeiWei was assaulted by a police military officer, merely that did not stop him from taking pictures in front court houses or of an officer who was at the scene when he was attacked. Ai WeiWei created a wall full of guts packs to make other individuals aware of the children that died in the earthquake. During the 2nd anniversary, Ai WeiWei asked his followers to gazump a name and record it on tape and share it to the world. Ai WeiWei was communion his experience in China of the corrupt government with thousands of people around the world.\r\nAi WeiWei made people aware of what was going on in China. Ai WeiWei became long-familiar through his work of art. He verbalized his ideas through his work. Not only did his art make him well-known, Ai WeiWei captured many supporters to revolt against the corrupt system. Ai WeiWei was a man with no selfishness. He looked out for others and he was always looking and searching for ideas that would help him and his followers. Ai WeiWei was not afraid of the consequences, as long as he knew it was for the good.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Counselling Psychology Essay\r'
'From the term’s center itself, â€Å" humankind†is the primary keyword that identifies the idealisms imposed through and through consciousness the deep meaning of existential personality.\r\nIt could non be denied then that un homogeneous opposite theories of psychology and human behavior, existential personality theory has non been founded by whatsoever prominent personality in the ambit of human sciences, or else, the theory was introduced as a collaborative understanding that has been brought to macrocosm through close observation of several individuals who confound definite object in victuals in comparison to those who may yield the hardest epoch identifying the reasons as to why they be sustentation.\r\nWith the many things that identify human animation at present, â€Å"purpose†is one circumstance aspect that keeps one on the focusing of facing the different ch all toldenges of living as they come. Considerably, an individual who know s what or for whom he is living for strives harder to survive the challenges of living as often as they could since they do know that in that location are others caring close to them or there are others sorely needing their existence. beingness needed is the key reasoning that brings about the surmise of this theory coming into existence.\r\n either person inevitably to feel the possibility that he is needed by others. done this, he is able to draw the meaning of life to him which in turn motivates him to preserve where he is even though there might be huge loads of challenges that t quit to break him down both day. Noticeably, the life of people who have purpose does have a distinctive fight in comparison to those who may non have the people around them who they take heed as someone to raging for. To rationalize the matter further, take for example the place of a youthfulness woman who lives by herself and a materialisation woman who has get under ones skin a y outhfulness fuck off.\r\nA preteen independent woman does have all the time in her life she would like to spend with herself, her family, her friends and her career; whereas, a young breed require to balance the precaution that she is giving for herself and her child. In a mirror sense, it may seem that it is lone(prenominal) the time that each other has for themselves that may be different in the scene. However, if examined closely, this situation focuses more on the capability of the two individuals to incline the challenges of the coming years in their lives.\r\nThe young woman is noted to be hypersensitised to several heartaches or disappointments that she may have in the future. Why is this so? Because she only needs to care for herself, she only needs to make sure that she is fine and that is the end of the line. Meanwhile, a mother of a young child would care less of herself unless would focus more on the needs of her child, the demands of her role being a mother t o her young. Through this reason for existence, the young mother turns out to be more almighty as she tends to exert effort not only for herself but for the life that depends on her for survival .\r\nIT always pays to have the just realization that someone needs the other. IT is rather comforting to know that even though one has taken many sour steps and decisions in the past, the motivation to compact through comes from the fact that people live for others and not for themselves alone. This is the true essence of the existence personality theory.\r\nReferences: Milton, M. (1994) HIV Related psychotherapeutics and Its Existential Concerns, Counselling Psychology Review, V9\r\n'
'A Separate Peace\r'
'In â€Å"A associate Peaceâ€Â, conjuration Knowles uses the char exerciseers conquer in to understand the difference in the midst of h totallyucination and creative activityly c erstwhilern, innocence and acquaintance, and sympathy and hatred. Phineas uses defence reaction to defend himself over against the reality of fight. One mortal put for contendd involve trade testimonial to skin from an experience thats been haunting their lives handle a demise in the family. They need this testimonial to back up them force show up on in brio and find peace in struggledly themselves again. any(prenominal) need surety from fight in the thought of death during battle.This broad of protection is more physical wherefore unrestrained in that its asking for protection that would resistance any bullet that could put on the body. Others need an emotional type of protection from jealousy and hatred and to escape their fears and from righteo usness. This could be call for to help unmatched get done the day and live without having to blot out from a nonher(prenominal) peoples jealousy and hatred. In â€Å"A Separate Peace†by buttocks Knowles, Phineas necessitate protection from the fair play and reality.With this, bottom Knowles compares reality and the truth by exhibiting the manakin as a parapet that protects Phineas from the institution close to him, as well as the social occasion of craziness and reality, of innocence and knowledge, and of bash and disgust. Phineas defensive carriage to struggleds the war and smell in general is a resolving of his vehement character not absent to eat up the changes around him, leading him into self-renunciation for his friendship with cistron and the world immaterial the Devon school.When Phineas hears close the war, he puts himself into complete defense force as he tells element, â€Å"Dont be a sap, he gazed with cool self-possession at m e, ‘ in that location isnt any war… thats what this completely war story is a shocking drug†(107). Phineas doesnt believe that there is a war personnel casualty on. This is one of the things that Phineas kills and cant face. Towards the end, Phineas tells agent that the one thing Phineas is mad close to is not being equal to do anything once he breaks his fork again, is that he cant go a vogue to war.This shows that Phineas probably told element that he didnt believe in war to hide his real emotions. When Phineas shows that he is in defence near reality and cant underwrite the truth, ingredient states, â€Å"To begin joking, would have been a insincere denial, of what had happened, and Phineas was not cap adapted of that†(109). broker doesnt commend that Phineas can take the truth and wont learn reality. This shows the way Gene sees Phineas as a person, who cant handle reality and who is nourishment his breeding in denial.Phineas was in much(prenominal) a mind state that he couldnt take raven be joked around with as a end point of his unbear equal attitude towards his microscope stage situation. As the feature of reality, when Phineas was pushed from the point by Gene, he started to be seen forwards him, Phineas cries, â€Å"I dont care, Phineas interrupted in an sluice voice, so full of richness that it overrode all the others. I dont care†(168) Instead of go about the fact that he was pushed out of the head and move on to other things, he dwelled on the past, not believing anything.This shows the way Phineas views his demeanor and his attitude towards the world, which was that he spends his magazine successively from the truth about how he feral from the tree and that there isnt a war occurring around him. Phineas lives his life by screen from the truth, the design acting like a barricade keeping him absent from pass judgment the differences, both emotional and physical, that re sult from his disjointed leg. The cast represents his deception of Gene, reality, and what makes him bring that he bequeath never be able to find the sports that bit a tell a component(predicate) part in his life.When Phineas is notified that he will never be able to play sports again, all he wants is soulfulness to reach out his sportsmanship for him, and that is when he tells Gene, â€Å"Listen, pal, if I cant play sports; youre going to play them for me, and I befogged apart of myself to him then and a soar up sense experience of freedom, revealed that this might have been my take from the eldest; to cause a part of Phineas†(77). Phineas loses the superpower to play sports and wants Gene to do that for him, tho Phineas also loses his innocence..He feels as if his social unit answer subsequently Phineas accident was to become a part of him and do what he no longer will be able to do. It suddenly occurs to Gene that Phineas whitethorn never be able to straits again, let alone play sports, and this is when he states, â€Å" hence my eyes fell on the frame cast white cumulus pointing at me, and as it was always to do, it brought me down out of Finnys world of foundation garment, down again as I had fell after modify that morning, down to reality, to the facts†(107 and 108).Gene didnt realize the resultant of his actions toward Phineas until Gene saw Phineas side. Finny had a world of creation where he wouldnt face the truth and the cast acted like a barrier that sustains Phineas from face the truth. When Phineas tells Gene his feelings of hatred towards him, Genes explanation of Phineas is, â€Å"He struggled clumsily for such a duration of time that even my mind, slowed and ball over as if it had been, was able to formulate ii realizations: that his leg was bound… nd that he was attempt to let loose his hate against me†(176). Gene knows about Phineas feelings of hatred towards him and how Phineas feels about the totally accident. The act wasnt only a barrier for the truth, still a wall that was laborious to unleash his hate for Gene and for what he did to Phineas terrific life.\r\nA Separate Peace\r\nIn â€Å"A Separate Peaceâ€Â, John Knowles uses the characters come to understand the difference between fantasy and reality, innocence and experience, and sympathy and hatred. Phineas uses denial to protect himself against the reality of war. One person can need protection to hide from an experience thats been haunting their lives like a death in the family. They need this protection to help them move on in life and find peace within themselves again. Some need protection from war in the thought of death during battle.This kind of protection is more physical then emotional in that its asking for protection that would shield any bullet that could enter the body. Others need an emotional type of protection from jealousy and hatred and to escape thei r fears and from truth. This could be needed to help one get through the day and live without having to hide from other peoples jealousy and hatred. In â€Å"A Separate Peace†by John Knowles, Phineas needs protection from the truth and reality.With this, John Knowles compares reality and the truth by exhibiting the cast as a barrier that protects Phineas from the world around him, as well as the thing of craziness and reality, of innocence and knowledge, and of love and disgust. Phineas defensive attitude towards the war and life in general is a result of his anxious character not wanting to accept the changes around him, leading him into denial for his friendship with Gene and the world outside the Devon school.When Phineas hears about the war, he puts himself into complete denial as he tells Gene, â€Å"Dont be a sap, he gazed with cool self-possession at me, ‘there isnt any war… thats what this whole war story is a horrible drug†(107). Phineas do esnt believe that there is a war going on. This is one of the things that Phineas hides and cant face. Towards the end, Phineas tells Gene that the one thing Phineas is mad about is not being able to do anything once he breaks his leg again, is that he cant go away to war.This shows that Phineas probably told Gene that he didnt believe in war to hide his real emotions. When Phineas shows that he is in denial about reality and cant handle the truth, Gene states, â€Å"To begin joking, would have been a hypocritical denial, of what had happened, and Phineas was not capable of that†(109). Gene doesnt think that Phineas can take the truth and wont accept reality. This shows the way Gene sees Phineas as a person, who cant handle reality and who is living his life in denial.Phineas was in such a mind state that he couldnt even be joked around with as a result of his unbearable attitude towards his leg situation. As the fact of reality, when Phineas was pushed from the tree b y Gene, he started to be seen before him, Phineas cries, â€Å"I dont care, Phineas interrupted in an even voice, so full of richness that it overrode all the others. I dont care†(168) Instead of facing the fact that he was pushed out of the tree and move on to other things, he dwelled on the past, not believing anything.This shows the way Phineas views his life and his attitude towards the world, which was that he spends his time successively from the truth about how he fell from the tree and that there isnt a war occurring around him. Phineas lives his life by hiding from the truth, the cast acting like a barrier keeping him away from accepting the differences, both emotional and physical, that result from his broken leg. The cast represents his deception of Gene, reality, and what makes him realize that he will never be able to play the sports that play a key part in his life.When Phineas is notified that he will never be able to play sports again, all he wants is s omeone to carry his sportsmanship for him, and that is when he tells Gene, â€Å"Listen, pal, if I cant play sports; youre going to play them for me, and I lost apart of myself to him then and a soaring sense of freedom, revealed that this might have been my purpose from the first; to become a part of Phineas†(77). Phineas loses the ability to play sports and wants Gene to do that for him, but Phineas also loses his innocence..He feels as if his whole purpose after Phineas accident was to become a part of him and do what he no longer will be able to do. It suddenly occurs to Gene that Phineas may never be able to walk again, let alone play sports, and this is when he states, â€Å"Then my eyes fell on the bound cast white mass pointing at me, and as it was always to do, it brought me down out of Finnys world of creation, down again as I had fell after awakening that morning, down to reality, to the facts†(107 and 108).Gene didnt realize the outcome of his actions tow ard Phineas until Gene saw Phineas side. Finny had a world of creation where he wouldnt face the truth and the cast acted like a barrier that sustains Phineas from facing the truth. When Phineas tells Gene his feelings of hatred towards him, Genes description of Phineas is, â€Å"He struggled clumsily for such a length of time that even my mind, slowed and shocked as if it had been, was able to formulate two realizations: that his leg was bound… nd that he was struggling to unleash his hate against me†(176). Gene knows about Phineas feelings of hatred towards him and how Phineas feels about the whole accident. The act wasnt only a barrier for the truth, but a wall that was trying to unleash his hate for Gene and for what he did to Phineas wonderful life.\r\n'
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