Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Laziness The Advancement Of Civilization - 795 Words
Laziness: The Advancement of Civilization Kathleen Potter Southeast Community College Lazy People: The Advancement of Civilization Topic: Laziness General Purpose: To persuade the audience that laziness isn’t a bad characteristic. Specific Purpose: I will be persuading the class to become lazier. Central Idea: Lazy individuals are the cause of the advancement of civilization. Introduction I. Introduction a. Bill Gates once said, â€Å"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.†b. I will be persuading the class to be lazier. c. Lazy individuals are the reason for the advancement of civilization. d. I have done a study about laziness on that proves the advancement of civilization is due to the amount of laziness within a person. e. At the end of this presentation the audience will be able to identify why procrastination works, realize that working less doesn’t mean being less effective, and learn why working less is beneficial. Transition: First we will discuss procrastination at its finest. II. Procrastination works because it results in productivity (Procrastinate, 2015). a. Waiting until the last minute to complete something, forces a person to focus on the project needing attention (Procrastinate, 2015). 1. For instance, if I start early on a project and stick to it, I will end up doing more work than I needed. 2. A lot of that work is not used but if I wait until the last minute to work on it,Show MoreRelatedDbq 9: Civilizations of the Americas1258 Words  | 6 PagesDBQ 9: Civilizations of the Americas The Mayan, Aztec and Incan civilizations each contributed major accomplishments to the world today. These accomplishments established them as advanced societies during their time. The Incans built a large road system, devised a complex irrigation system and developed their own language. The Mayans constructed the largest structure known until modern times, made drastic accomplishments in mathematics, studied astronomy and formed a calendar. The Aztecs builtRead MoreTechnology Dependence Essay1572 Words  | 7 Pagestoday would be better off without it. They think that it is a luxury that should be taken away. However, this cannot be true. Technology can cure laziness, is very necessary, and the benefits are much greater than living without it. Technology is a great resource to use if one wants to be proactive. As stated earlier, some argue it causes too much laziness, when in reality it is the opposite. Many in fact, use the lack of technology as an excuse to be lazy. Someone without a car may find it easierRead MoreThe Last Day of Humanity767 Words  | 3 Pages The very word seems to carry with it the weight of progress, of advancement, of humanity. 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So why is it that humans were burdened with consciousness? It seems like intelligence has backfired on nature. Human advancement has been exponential, to a point where nature itself can t sustain our own quote unquote progress. I believe we are living in a turning point where either we destroy nature first or nature destroys us first. Intelligent life is counterproductiveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Gospel Of Wealth 2081 Words  | 9 Pagesthe imbalance of economic wealth is essential to the advancement of society. In days past, there was little difference between the quality of life between a ruler and his subject. Alluding to a time when Carnegie visited the chief of an indigenous American tribe, he observed that the Chief of the Indians , who lived in a state of a ntiquity, tent was no different from even the poorest among the tribe. Returning back to this stage of civilization would be detrimental to both the ruler and subject.Read MoreWilliam Faulkners As I Lay Dying Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesMrs. Rippetoe presents an interesting argument on the subject of Anses sweating, From this evidence it would appear that Anses morbid fear of sweating cannot be dismissed as the product of a fertile imagination seeking an excuse for ingrained laziness, but can be seen, rather, as a realistic appraisal of a serious and chronic health condition,(Rippetoe 313). Rippetoe is referring to the condition that Anse has acquired through the heat stroke, anhidrosis, which would destroy hypothalamus cells
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Squirt Case Study - 6386 Words
Target Market Market and Competitive Analysis Market In the market, the soft drink industry is currently growing, with hundreds of registered brand names for carbonated soft drinks within the United States. Squirt competes with Coca Cola’s two grapefruit carbonated soft drink brand- Citrus and Fresca. Squirt also competes on a more broad level of the citrus flavored soft drink category with Pepsi-Cola’s Mountain and Mellow Yellow Surge. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Market Dr. Pepper/Snapple group distribute mores than 50 brands of carbonated soft drinks, and other premium beverages across the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Dr. Pepper/ Snapple Group, Inc. found a niche market in creating non-cola beverages.†¦show more content†¦Pepper/ Snapple, making the companies interdependent Increased competition for market share due to increase in soft drink sales revenues because of health conscious societies. Domestic demand for soft drinks is decreasing, whereas internationally the demand is increasing High industry growth rate Increase in the cost of raw materials and inflation Threat of New Entrants Entry barriers are high; threat of new entrants is low Because the market is 90% controlled by Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co. and Dr. Pepper/ Snapple Group, Inc. and these companies control the top 10 brands in the United States. Threat of Substitute Products Squirt has 2 direct competitors in the grapefruit segmentâ€â€Fresca and Citra Squirt has many other competitors in the citrus categoryâ€â€two Coca-Cola brands Mellow Yellow and Surge, and Pepsi-Cola’s Mountain. Squirt faces competition with other beverages including water, sport drinks, tea, coffee, juice, beer, and many more. There is not much to lose for consumers trying out new brands or beverages Some substitutes of Squirt are sold at much cheaper prices. Buyers tend to consume according to climate. During summer season the demand for soft drinks increases. Low to almost no switching costs involved for retailers or institutional buyers. Individual buyersShow MoreRelatedSquirt Case Study1175 Words  | 5 PagesProduct Strategies †¢ Product Classification- Squirt Soda is a carbonated beverage with grapefruit flavoring. It is an impulse buy; consumers do not put a lot of time and effort in deciding whether or not to purchase such a product. Therefore consumers need to be reminded of the brand through intelligent, funny advertising or advertising that creates a relevant connection with the consumer audience. o Soft Drinks are homogenous goods. They compete on price, availability, and most importantlyRead MoreDr. Pepper/Seven Up Case Analysis1651 Words  | 7 PagesCase Recap Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. is the company which produces the brand Squirt. â€Å"Squirt is a caffeine-free, low sodium carbonated soft drink brand with a distinctive blend of grapefruit juices that gives it a tangy, fresh citrus taste. Squirt is the best selling carbonated grapefruit soft drink brand in the U.S.†(Kerin and Peterson, 2010) Kate Cox, the brand manager responsible for Squirt believes that market targeting and product positioning are key elements in Squirt’s advertising andRead MoreEpidemiological Studies : Risk Factors Essay1411 Words  | 6 PagesEpidemiological studies are utilize to identify risk factors of diseases in populations. Knowledge of these risk factors is used to conduct further investigation and to implement intervention preventions. Since there is a global rise in human infectious diseases outbreaks, it is important to understand the methods of epidemiology, in order to understand the dynamics of diseases. In the synthetic epidemic study, we performed an experiment to develop an intervention to prevent the spread of diseaseRead MoreEpidemiology And The Center Of Disease Prevention And Control Essay1064 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to the Center of Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), by definition, epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health and health outcomes in populations. Several methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigation includes surveillance and descriptive study and analytical studies are used to study determinants (CDC, 2012). Determinants can be categorized as causes and risk factors that influence the pandemic of a disease. According to the World HealthRead MoreDr Pepper - 7up1913 Words  | 8 PagesRunning head: DR PEPPER/7UP, INC. Dr Pepper/7Up, Inc. – Case Analysis MKTG610 Case Recap Squirt soft drink is a caffeine-free, low sodium carbonated drink designed and created by Dr Pepper/7Up, Inc... This powerhouse drink is a wonderful creation of distinctive grapefruit juices, which gives it its fresh citrus taste. Due to its unique flavoring as a soft drink, Squirt is one of the best-selling carbonated drinks in the United States (Kerin amp; Peterson 2009) The key elementsRead MoreFrom High School to College641 Words  | 3 PagesBackground: â€Å"My Case Study†: It had been awhile since I had watched it, but a few years ago I watched an episode of the Big Bang Theory titled The Gothowitz Deviation that I thought was absolutely hilarious (as are all of them). In this particular episode, Sheldon begins feeding Penny chocolates whenever she behaves well. He is positively reinforcing her good behavior, and goes on to say that he is applying mild operant conditioning. Leonard is furious at this, and tells Sheldon he is forbiddenRead MoreEpidemiological Studies : Identifying Risk Factors Of Diseases Essay1761 Words  | 8 PagesEpidemiological studies are utilized to identify risk factors of diseases in populations. Knowledge of these risk factors is used to conduct further investigation and to implement intervention preventions. Since there is a global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks, it is important to understand the methods of epidemiology, in order to understand the dynamics of diseases. In the synthetic epidemic study, suny cor tland microbiology students performed an experiment to develop an interventionRead MoreCauses And Effect Of Sarcoidosis Auto Immune Disease1065 Words  | 5 Pagesthe skin and blood show that Mycobacteria plays a role in at least a small part of Sarcoidosis but still isn t deemed to be the cause. There are some theories that it is from genetics, infections, or just an abnormal immune response. Most recent studies also show us that the cause of sarcoidosis could also be from an environmental factor. What is known about the disease is it develops primarily in the sweetish and African American community between the ages of twenty to forty years of age. It isRead MoreBusiness Law Case Study Essay1320 Words  | 6 PagesPlease answer the questions posed at the end of each case study in essay form. Each essay will be judged on your capacity to present strong, logical discussions that support your conclusions. Case study 1 Members of Students for Fair Tuition (SFT) decide to protest rising tuition costs at Gigantic State University (GSU) by taking over Dunfee Hall, the location of GSU president Dalton Chandler’s office. As they storm into the reception area of Chandler’s office suite, shouting â€Å"Down withRead MoreThe Development of Fast Food 1071 Words  | 4 Pagesbuilding protein and includes elements of sulfur†(Amino Acid Studies). This amino-acid is commonly found in medication such as Tylenol; however, in large doses, this amino-acid begins to attack the user’s liver. â€Å"Extremely high does – more than 7 grams – of cysteine may be toxic to your body’s cells and may cause death.†Even though it would take an excessive dose of this in order to inflict life threatening damage, there are no studies regarding long term effects of constant consumption in small
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Teacher Who Is Easy Going and Humorous Can Intrigue Students to Learn Well free essay sample
For individuals, just as learning professional knowledge from a guider makes the most sufficient in an education constitution, so does a student acquire beneficially in study life. Some people support the statement that is more effective to have a serious and a strict teacher rather than one who is full of humor and easygoing. As a matter of fact, the survey (Harvey Craft, 2010) shows a teacher who is easygoing and has a sense of humor that can intrigue students to learn and gain knowledge. There are some reasons for students: because they can lower anxiety while learning, because they can confidently cultivate the optimistic views to their lives, because they can foster the future goals of being useful persons. To begin with, it is very vital for students to lower their learning anxiety during class. An affect will consider broadly learning as the aspects of emotions, feeling, mood and attitude. (Besnier, 1990, 421) When a professor hooks the beginning of daily technique topic, students can be easily to input from what the professor has mentioned today. We will write a custom essay sample on A Teacher Who Is Easy Going and Humorous Can Intrigue Students to Learn Well or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A good personal case deserves to illustrate this point: When I was a university student, I was in love with attending one of my professional courses called â€Å"Translation Media†. The professor, Kevin always used a creative and humorous way to warm up the lecture. Everyone including me liked to join his discussion. The vivid PowerPoint pictures with funny academic videos always captured my heart, I could be easily to bear everything in my mind. Moreover, I liked to turn in assignment diligently and I even got A plus in each quiz. Therefore, reliving nervous mood is better to input knowledge. Another factor is by no means crucial to serve that students can be confident to cultivate the optimistic views to their lives. Take my personal example, before joining TOFEL TEST; I would like to take TOFEL-Internet Course. Although the school was far from my hometown, I still persisted taking a coach to the destination every week. Because the instructors were very patient to encourage me to have optimistic thinking to conquer the hurdles, I finally got good scores and thanked my guiders. Hence, it is helpful to have positive horizons. Besides that, Cultivating to become useful persons in the future is significant for students. They can feel bright without darkness when learning. Everything will go well. To more specific, an old saying was illustrated, â€Å"Hard work brings success. †As students have obtained something from the professors, they can output by themselves and apply for the future what job they will do. In conclusion, it is clear that, a nice teacher with humor and being easygoing is more effective than one with strict and serious manner. Students can have good mood and attitude due to the lower anxiety, the confidence to their lives, and the goal of being a useful person to society contribution in the future. After all, life is short, art long.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Characters Essays - Fiction,
Lord Of The Flies Characters Lord of the Flies In his first novel, William Golding used a group of boys stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the malicious nature of mankind. Lord of the Flies dealt with changes that the boys underwent as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from society. Three main characters depicted different effects on certain individuals under those circumstances. Jack Merridew began as the arrogant and self-righteous leader of a choir. The freedom of the island allowed him to further develop the darker side of his personality as the Chief of a savage tribe. Ralph started as a self-assured boy whose confidence in himself came from the acceptance of his peers. He had a fair nature as he was willing to listen to Piggy. He became increasingly dependent on Piggy's wisdom and became lost in the confusion around him. Towards the end of the story his rejection from their society of savage boys forced him to fend for himself. Piggy was an educated boy who had grown up as an outcast. Due to his academic childhood, he was more mature than the others and retained his civilized behaviour. But his experiences on the island gave him a more realistic understanding of the cruelty possessed by some people. The ordeals of the three boys on the island made them more aware of the evil inside themselves and, in some cases, made the false politeness that had clothed them disappear. However, the changes experienced by one boy differed from those endured by another. This is attributable to the physical and mental differences between them. Jack was first described with having an air of cruelty that made him naturally unlikeable. As leader of the choir and one of the tallest boys on the island, Jack's physical height and authority matched his arrogant personality. His desire to be Chief was clearly evident in his first appearance. When the idea of having a Chief was mentioned Jack spoke out immediately. I ought to be chief, said Jack with simple arrogance, because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. He led his choir by administering much discipline resulting in forced obedience from the cloaked boys. His ill-nature was well expressed through his impoliteness in saying, Shut up, Fatty. at Piggy (p. 23). However, despite his unpleasant personality, his lack of courage and his conscience prevented him from killing the first pig they encountered: They knew very well why he hadn't: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood (p. 34). Even at the meetings, Jack was able to contain himself under the leadership of Ralph. He had even suggested the implementation of rules to regulate themselves. This was a Jack who was proud to be British, and who was shaped and still bound by the laws of a civilized society. The freedom offered to him by the island allowed Jack to express the darker sides of his personality that were repressed by the ideals of his past environment. Without adults as a superior and responsible authority, he began to lose his fear of being punished for improper actions and behaviour. This freedom along with his malicious and arrogant personality made it possible for him to quickly degenerate into a savage. He put on paint, first to camouflage himself from the pigs. But he discovered that the paint allowed him to hide the forbidden thoughts in his mind that his facial expressions would otherwise show: The mask was a thing on its own behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness (p. 69). Through hunting, Jack lost his fear of blood and of killing living animals. He reached a point where he actually enjoyed the sensation of hunting a prey afraid of his spear and knife. His natural desire for blood and violence was brought out by his hunting of pigs. As Ralph became lost in his own confusion, Jack began to assert himself as chief. The boys realizing that Jack was a stronger and more self-assured leader gave in easily to the freedom of Jack's savagery. Placed in a position of power and with his followers sharing his crazed hunger for violence, Jack gained encouragement
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